Rockstar: INXS concludes


J.D. is the new frontman for INXS. Didn’t expect this coming but from his last few performance, especially with INXS it definitely hit off. He’s got this Michael Hutchence-appeal when he performs. For Marty, who is a favorite of mine really, is better of doing his own stuff. I like his song “Trees” and I think would hit off the charts. As for Mig who also thanked us here in the Philippines (awww) is a different breed of his own. Mig is good, but he’s to glam to be an INXS. Like I said before, his song choice may be his ruin, and it did. INXS is looking for a frontman who can ooze sexiness from their songs much like Hutchence did and J.D.’s got it.

Well gotta sleep now, in a few hours, will be flying off out of the country for a much deserved vacation. Will blog back in a week. Keep safe folks!