Back to the Fold

The scorching heat of summer has placed its veil upon us puny humans. Lest no choice but to bow to its wavering heat and succumb us to unending sweat in the summer days. Thus our instincts dictates us to flee in comfort. Come beach and pool and wallow endlessly in its cool, calming waters. Alternately, voyage to higher altitudes where the breeze of the mountains still emanates a nurturing coolness. Yes, summer is here!

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Freakin’ Burnt Out!!

Ok, I’m about to sleep now. Today I really feel burnt out! For the first time I’ve stayed until 7:30pm at the office trying to finish a freakin’ impossible deadline of Alpha 1 of the 3 sites. And bad thing was that I’m not getting paid for that excess times. f@$& !!! Sheesh! Ok I’ve breathed it out. Well after work I still managed to catch up with the guys at Export Bank. Good thing they waited for me while I fix up the last details from the site. We drove to Quezon City where we had dinner at Kababs. …

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